Funerary customs of the Middle Ages and early modern period, deviant burials, imaging techniques (X-ray, CT), physical anthropology, mumification 

Since 04/2020 Scientific coordinator in the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology

09/2016-12/2019 Coordinator of 25th Annual Meeting der European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 4-7 September 2019 in Bern, at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences (University of Bern)

02/2014-04/2020 Scientific associate at the Department of Physical Anthropology, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bern; tasks:physical anthropological investigations at excavations and in the laboratory, teaching, different research projects

Since 2013 PhD student at the Institute of Pre- and Protohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg under supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier, topic: „Early modern crypt mummies in Germany and Europe“

05/2012-01/2014 Scientific volunteer in the German Mummy Project at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim

02/2012 Magister Artium at the University of Freiburg i. Br.

2006-2012 Magister programme of Prehistoric and Near Eastern Archaeology and Biological Anthropology at the Universities of Freiburg i. Br. (D), Basel (CH) und Komotini (GR)